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68% of Sellers Receive 9% More at Closing Using this Technique


As more listings enter the market the competition for buyers and offers in many areas of the country is rising rapidly. Because of this it's important help your sellers position their home to have the best chance at selling. 

In a recent study of 4200 REALTORS it was founds that 68% of staged homes received offers at least 9% more than their counterparts who were un-staged.

Watch and learn what staging means, how to discuss it with your sellers, who pays for it, and the top recommendations from REALTORS nationwide. 

Are you ready for a real estate coach? Explore Mastery Classes that can help design the career and the life you deserve including:

About Jim Remley:

Jim Remley is a nationally recognized expert in the field of residential real estate. Entering the real estate industry at the age of 19 he began an unlikely rise from college drop out to real estate Rock...

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5 Ways to Improve the Promotion of Your Listings + Tips on Rejection Proofing Your Ad Copy


Have you considered refreshing and repackaging your listings with new visuals and ad copy? As the market changes and competition rises your skills as a marketing expert will become even more important to sellers. 

Yes, we have all seen horrible photos of real estate listings and we have also read terrible ad copy. But if you have listing that isn't selling now be a great time to refresh and repackage the listing with better visuals and a new approach to your marketing remarks. 

For some fresh ideas watch as Jim explores 5 Ways to Improve the Promotion of Your Listings + Tips on Rejection Proofing Your Ad copy. 

Are you ready for a real estate coach? Explore Mastery Classes that can help design the career and the life you deserve including:

About Jim Remley:

Jim Remley is a nationally recognized expert in the field of residential real estate. Entering the...

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Cause Based Real Estate Marketing - 5 Ways to Create Profit with Purpose


While many real estate professionals volunteer their time, energy, and dollars to a wide spectrum of charitable causes many have not considers employing cause based marketing as a part of their marketing strategy. 

Cause based marketing can do many things for both you and your charity of choice. First it can help define you to consumers as someone who gives back and cares about the greater good, second it can inspire others to follow your lead, and third it can dramatically increase the amount of of time, energy, and dollars being donated to the cause. 

Watch this quick video to learn why cause based marketing should become an important part of your overall brand strategy and 5 Ways to Start Today! 

Are you ready for a real estate coach? Explore Mastery Classes that can help design the career and the life you deserve including:

About Jim Remley:

Jim Remley is a...

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Three Keys to Building a Real Estate Brand

Congratulations you have just been nominated for your first Oscar! I guess all those acting classes in college finally paid off.  Unfortunately the ceremony is tonight and you can’t make it because you’re on location with Vin Diesel in Bangladesh. (Blast!) On such short notice your agent has informed you that you only have six choices to act as your stand in to accept the award on your behalf. Your choices are: Johnny Depp, Jennifer Lawrence, Tom Cruise, Melissa McCarthy , Tom Hanks, or Susan Sarandon.

So who would you choose to represent you on Oscar night?

In a classroom setting the overwhelming majority of my students choose either Tom Hanks or Jennifer Lawrence. Why? They are well respected, like-able, and credible actors. They won’t embarrass you, make a fool of themselves, or run off with your statue.  In other words they represent you well. Our clients go through a similar process. This is sometimes known as the ego driven decision.

This ego...

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Upgrade Your Listing Presentation with a Success Portfolio

Once you have mastered your core real estate presentation, many agents find it helpful to create a success portfolio. A success portfolio is a pictorial journal of your past success stories. One of the best ways to envision a success portfolio is to imagine yourself interviewing a photographer or an architect. Both of these professionals almost always have a success journal that shows off their talents, for instance a photographer may include photos of different scenes, lighting, models, and backgrounds, while an architect may include elevations, interior and exterior drawings, and most importantly completed projects.

Likewise many top real estate agents carry with them a success portfolio which may include photos of homes sold, past flyers and marketing campaigns, pictures of clients in front of homes purchased, brochures, website samples, advertising slicks, open house invitations, and most importantly quotes and pictures of satisfied clients. Some progressive agents are now even...

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