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3 Reasons Why Top Economists Predict a Wave of New Listings are Coming


One question we always receive as REALTORS is - What's going to happen next? What's the crystal ball for where prices are going over the next 12 months? 

According to the NAR, Zelman,, Freddie Mac, CoreLogic, Fannie Mae and the Mortgage Bankers Association, the average of all those top industry insiders and economists within those groups, their prediction for the next 12 months is that we're going to see appreciation at 3.9%. You might think that sounds low. After all we just went through a year where we had double digit appreciation and in many markets we saw appreciation as high as 15-16% . Why would this group of economists predict such a low number when most of us would reasonably expect it to be double digits or high single digits (at the very least).  

The reason is I think those economists know something - When you have a low supply and high demand, what happens? Prices go up. When supply increases, it puts pressure on...

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Your Real Estate Clients Will Love You For Making this Call


Interest rates are at a three year low which is great news for home buyers and for home sellers but who else might this benefit? 

Anyone who owns a home or investment property that may be in a position to refinance their property. For any of your clients that purchased a property as little as six months ago when interest rates were a full percentage point higher than they are today refinancing could be a huge opportunity to save tens of thousands of dollars. 

By reaching out to your database and making this value added call (which has nothing to do with you asking for anything from the client) you can be a hero and your clients will love you! 

Watch this quick video as Jim breaks down a simple script you can use as a text, phone call, social media post, or email. 

Do you need more leads, more listings, more buyers, and more closings? 

Explore Mastery Classes:

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