If you're a recruiter for your company, a brokerage owner, or a team leader, there's something important you need to understand: you have to recognize the strength in every weakness and the weakness in every strength to succeed.
We can't be all things to all people in real estate. You might have a large brokerage or a small one, a great physical office or none at all, be part of a franchise or independent, have top-tier technology or limited resources. The key is not to get hung up on what you don’t have. If you use it as an excuse to avoid recruiting and prospecting, you’re holding yourself back.
Instead, ask yourself: what's the strength in the weakness? What's the weakness in the strength?
For example, let’s say someone tells you, “I don’t want to work for a competing broker.” That’s a valid concern. If you are a competing broker, you need to be prepared with the right response.
You could say:
"I totally understand where you're coming from. But can I share why being a competing...
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