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How to Stand Out and Attract Top Agents with the “Unique Genius” Method


Here's an interesting question I was asked recently:

What is your unique genius in the real estate industry?

If you're a brokerage owner or team leader, I really want you to think about this. What's your unique genius? What sets you apart? What are you exceptionally good at? That specific thing is what you should lean into when it comes to recruiting and building your company.

Maybe you're great at investments and have built a large investment portfolio. Maybe marketing or social media is your strong suit. Perhaps you're an expert negotiator or a fantastic listing agent. Whatever it is, figure out your unique genius in this market and industry.

Then ask yourself: How can you leverage that strength to inspire others to join you?

What you're doing is creating a category of one—something you're so good at and so different in that people want to model it. This helps you create what Seth Godin calls the "purple cow." A purple cow is someone doing something completely different from...

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Boost Your Brokerage's Success: The Secret Metric Every Top Agent Dreams About


Hey guys, as a team leader or brokerage owner, there's one key metric that defines your success:

Per agent productivity.

This metric encompasses every aspect of your role as a brokerage leader. It includes your recruiting plan, retention plan, marketing, branding, technology, training, coaching, mentoring, staffing, and location.

Essentially, everything you do at your brokerage is reflected in what your agents produce on a per-agent basis.

When I come to you and say, "Let's open up the hood of your company," we'll look at the average agent production over the last 12 months. What does it look like? If your average agent is closing six deals, seven deals, eight deals, three deals—whatever the number is—you'll have a starting point.

Our goal is to raise that number over time. The higher we push that number, the more likely you are to attract more agents to your business.

The number one way to attract agents is by demonstrating that your system drives higher sales than your...

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Master the Art of Real Estate Recruiting: Turn 'No' into 'Yes' with The “Open Door” Strategy


When recruiting agents, you'll hear "no" 90% of the time, if not more.

Many brokerage owners and team leaders stop recruiting because they dislike hearing "no." We may not be accustomed to it, especially if we've been successful in lead generation. This rejection can make you think recruiting isn't for you, leading you to wait for agents to come to you, which is not effective.

Your brokerage will fail if you don't actively recruit.

To start getting yeses and change your mindset about recruiting, understand that recruiting isn't about getting a yes today. It's about opening doors and creating relationships. The worst recruiters aim to close immediately, treating all agents the same—new agents and experienced agents alike. This is a mistake.

Recruiting a new agent is relatively easy, but recruiting an experienced agent doing $10-20 million in transactions is like recruiting a professional athlete. It starts with relationship building and opening doors.

How do we open doors?


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The Importance of Building a Fun and Engaging Real Estate Company Culture

As a real estate professional, you understand the significance of company culture in shaping the success of your brokerage or team. Building a positive and engaging culture is crucial for attracting and retaining top talent in the industry. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of creating a fun and vibrant real estate company culture that fosters productivity, collaboration, and employee satisfaction. 


1. Define Your Company's Core Values


The foundation of any strong culture lies in the core values that guide the actions and decisions of the organization. Take the time to identify and define the core values that align with your vision and mission as a real estate company. These values should reflect what your team stands for and what you believe in as a collective.


For example, one of your core values could be "Excellence," where you strive to provide exceptional service and go above and beyond for your clients. Another core value could be...

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5 Strategies for Recruiting REALTORS

5 Strategies for Recruiting REALTORS

Are you a real estate broker or a real estate office leader looking to grow your brokerage and attract top talent? By implementing the right tactics and techniques, you can build a team of exceptional real estate agents who will contribute to the growth and success of your brokerage. In this article, we will explore five key things that a successful real estate recruiter does on a daily basis to ensure the recruitment of top-notch agents.  

  1. Develop a Clear Recruitment Strategy 

The first step in developing a clear recruitment strategy is to identify the type of agents you want to attract to your brokerage. Consider the experience level, skills, and qualities you value in agents. This will help you tailor your recruitment efforts and target the right candidates. 

Additionally, a successful real estate recruiter understands the value of consistency in their recruitment process. Consistently making contact with high quality agents, running recruiting real estate...

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Recruiting Secrets from a Pro: How to Build a Winning Real Estate Team


Do you want to be a better recruiter?

As a seasoned recruiter with over 30 years of experience, I can tell you the secret to successful recruiting is this:

Recruiting is like owning an NFL or NBA team.

You need to understand that recruiting is all about building relationships with people. People join people, not companies or brands. If they don't like you, they won't come to work for you.

So, first and foremost, you need to establish a career-long relationship with people in the marketplace.

To build these relationships, you need to have conversations with potential recruits. Top recruiters in the NBA, NFL, and NHL are cold-calling and creating connections with people. They're showing them the organization's value, passion, and vision of how they can help them win. Ultimately, people want to be with a winning team and need to see how you can help them make more money and make their life easier.

It's not all about commission...

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