According to a recent study by - "Among the 100 largest U.S. metros, conditions in 50 are now shifting in favor of buyers, a ten-fold increase from just five metros a year ago. They determined this shift by examining an average of three buyer/seller balance-of-power indicators and analyzing how they’ve changed in the last year (from January 2018 to January 2019): the share of listings with at least one price cut, the monthly median days on market, and the sales-to-list price ratio (how a home’s final selling price compares to its list price). All three have shifted in favor of buyers.
This shift also shows up in other common housing metrics. Homes sitting on the market longer, for example, can also help push up monthly measures of inventory because home shoppers can count on listings remaining active for longer, giving them more options at any given time.
The shift in favor of buyers is also happening where home values have risen the most over the past six years, suggestin...
What do buyers want from you?
If you don't know the answer to this question - your chances of converting a buyer into a client goes down dramatically! To win the hearts and minds of buyers you must lead with your buyers needs and deliver the services they most want to receive.
According to the most recent study conducted by the National Association of REALTORS here are the top three items a buyer wants from you:
1) Helping them Find the Right Home to Purchase
2) Help Negotiating the Terms of the Sale
3) Help Negotiating the Price
Learn more by watching this quick video and start converting more buyers into loyal clients!
Do you need more leads, more listings, more buyers, and more closings?
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Jim Remley is a nationally recognized expert in...
But Zillow say's the house is worth .....
At some point you will hear a buyer or seller say these words to you. How you respond can determine if you will gain a client's trust or potentially lose a listing or a sale. Ultimately buyers and sellers are driven by a need to feel confident in their decision making. What they are looking for is clarity and certainty. This is often why they go in search of answers from sites like Zillow and why they sometimes embrace Zestimates.
To be viewed as a real estate expert it's important to define yourself as someone who provides not just information but more importantly interpretation of data. You are the consultant, the adviser, and most importantly the clients advocate.
Watch and learn as Jim uses Zillow's own website against them by utilizing the Zillow Accuracy Chart as well as powerful scripting.
Do you need more leads, more listings, more buyers, and more closings?
Explore Mastery Classes:
How do you capture leads at an open house or when connecting with a buyer on the phone? While many agents 'wing' every conversation with a potential client superstars use scripts to ensure they convert more conversations into closings!
Having a strong conversion plan is essential to a marketing strategy that maximizes your return on investment for marketing dollars. Consider if you are already connecting with enough potential clients to transform your career you simply need a better conversion strategy.
Watch and learn several easy conversion scripts and follow up scripts you can use in the field today to begin capturing, converting, and closing more potential clients into sales.
Ready for a new lead generation plan for 2019?
Explore Mastery Classes!
About Jim Remley:
Jim Remley is a nationally recognized expert in the field of residential real estate. Entering the re...
As buyers watch the national news they are continually hearing about interest rates rising and the impact on payments, affordability, and the overall cost of buying a home.
This negative news can impact their motivation to move forward in purchasing a home and ultimately your ability to sell more homes. How do you respond to this challenge?
Watch and learn how using good data (like the two charts below) can powerfully impact your conversations with buyers and using one simple script can put buyers at ease about moving forward with purchasing a home.
(There is good news in both these graphs)
Ready for a new lead generation plan for 2019?
Explore Mastery Classes!
About Jim Remley:
Jim Remley is a nationally recognized expert in the field of residential real estate. Entering the real estate industry at the age of 19 he began an unlikely rise from college drop out...
In our changing market some sellers may resist price adjustments by saying to you - We aren't in a rush to sell... Sound familiar? What about buyers who are now sitting on the fence because they believe it's 2008 again?
Watch this quick coaching video to check out how superstars handle seller conversations by using the "Pull by Date" script and how to address buyer concerns by using hard data.
Ready to Upgrade Your Real Estate Career?
Explore the Real Estate Business Planning Mastery Course
The Real Estate Business Planning Mastery Course includes 5 Video Lessons featuring master trainer Jim Remley. Each lesson is paired with Instant Action Downloads that you can implement today including a complete FORCE Goals Blueprint!
About Jim Remley:
Jim Remley is a nationally recognized expert in the field of residential real estate. Entering the real estate industry at the age of 19 he began an unlikely rise from college drop out to real estate Rock Star by becoming ranked in the t...
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