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The Magic Number to Turbocharge the Growth of Your Real Estate Business


If we look at the engine of your business, it's your sphere of influence.

Statistically, for every 10 people in your sphere, you'll average one closed sale.

But that's only if you stay in touch with them 20 to 50 times a year and have a good relationship with them. So let's go back to January 1st. Do you know how many people were in your sphere at that time?

If you don't, you don't have control of your business.

Now, fast forward to today. Have you grown your sphere of influence in the past six months? If not, your business may not be growing and could even be shrinking due to market challenges.

We can't escape market conditions by focusing on other things and neglecting our sphere. The key to changing your business's trajectory is to quickly increase your sphere of influence. You may be wondering how to do that. Well, here's a magic number to keep in mind:

The average American has 27 conversations a day. As REALTORS, we should...

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Unlock the Power of Referrals: Engage Your Personal Sales Army for Massive Success!


Why aren't you getting more referrals?

The problem is you're not asking for referrals. You think you are, but you're not.

Let me give you a natural and fun way to ask for referrals that people love:

Think of your sphere of influence as your personal sales army. Imagine you recruited a hundred or more salespeople to work for your team. If you gave them an assignment, do you think they would bring you sales?

Of course they would. The reason they're not doing it now is because you're not giving them guidance as the sales manager.

So here's an example of what you can do: Send a mass text, email, personal calls, or even a video text to your sales army, saying:

“Hey guys, I'm really short on inventory right now. If you see a house with a preferred sale sign or a vacant house, could you quickly take a picture and send it to me? It could give me an edge in getting that listing. Thank you!”

Another idea is to...

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Surprising Real Estate Market Stats Revealed - How to Sell Your Home for Top Dollar!


If you want a fun (and impactful) message to put on through your marketing channels, try something like this:


Hey guys, want a surprising real estate market statistic?

Here it is:

35.2% of sellers are receiving over full price when they close on a transaction.

Despite the talk of a real estate recession, it's a different kind of market. Low inventory due to sellers holding onto their homes with great interest rates has created strong demand. When a house hits the market, sellers are getting incredible activity and many are selling for over asking price.

So, if you or someone you know is thinking about selling, now is the time.

It's actually a great time to sell a home, contrary to what the news media may say. The market is unique and unlike anything we've seen before. Don't let the headlines mislead you.

I'm here to help you navigate this market and discuss any real estate questions or concerns you may have....

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Maximize Your Real Estate Business: The National Homeownership Month Strategy!


Hey guys, June is National Home Ownership month.

This is a golden opportunity to reach out to all the homeowners in your database and provide them with a quick equity assessment.

Let's make the most of it! Instead of reaching out to one homeowner a day, let's aim for two or three. We can really make an impact this month. So here's the plan:

I'm going to use my favorite platform,, which is free for every REALTOR.

It allows me to create a visually stunning, 81-page CMA (Comparative Market Analysis). But I won't just send them the paper CMA. I'll create a video using BombBomb or In the video, I'll say,

"Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Jones, did you know that it's National Home Ownership Month? I wanted to provide you with an update on your home equity. There have been some significant changes in the market, and I want to keep you informed. So, here's a personalized report for your...

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Harnessing The Power of Processes & Systems in Real Estate | Scale Your Business Today!


Here's the ultimate test to take your business to the next level:

Many agents get stuck in a production band, where they consistently achieve a certain level of sales, like 3 million, 5, million, or even 6 million. But they're trapped within this range dictated by market fluctuations.

How can you break through these plateaus and actually scale your business to new heights?

Well, to break through and move up, you need to systemize your business.

Scaling requires systematic processes. So, the question is: Do you have a process? Do you have one for working with buyers, sellers, and marketing listings?

Because if you're winging it without any systems in place, you can't scale. Eventually, you'll hit a physical capacity and realize you can't handle more because you're just trying to keep up.

To move forward, you need processes. Start by breaking down your business like a loaf of bread and create a process for each aspect:


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How to Turn a Website Tutorial into New Clients


Quick question:

When was the last time you visited your own website? Not Zillow or your MLS, but your personal website?

Let's be honest, many agents forget about it after setting it up. They think it looks good and move on.

But here's the issue: your clients won't use your website unless you do and show them how. So, here's what you need to do. Pretend you're a buyer and go on your website, familiarize yourself with it again because it's been a while. I recommend using Loom ( to record a quick video tutorial on how to use your website.

In the video, you can say, "Hey guys, I'm thrilled to be working with you. I wanted to give you a quick tour of how to search the MLS on my website. It'll be simple and fun. In just two minutes, I'll show you how to get started."

Then, guide them through finding properties, creating searches, saving searches, and what to do when they find a property they like and want...

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REALTORS: How to Sell Your Homes Faster with the Buyer's Eyes Strategy


I have a great idea for my fellow real estate agents out there.

It's called the Buyer's Eyes Strategy. Here's how it works:

When I have a client selling their house, I treat them as if they are a buyer in the market for a home in their price range. I put them in the MLS as if they are a real buyer, and they start receiving emails with new listings, price changes, and updates on pending or sold houses. This helps them stay informed, in real time, without having to wait for me to tell them what's going on.

I also get CC'd on the same emails, so I'm seeing what they're seeing. This allows us to have a productive conversation and make any necessary adjustments or changes to their selling strategy.

They start receiving these emails right away, and they'll get updates every day or every couple of days. This way, they become really familiar with the market and can make informed decisions about their own...

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How to Get 160x Better Results on Social Media Ads - Gary V’s Hack You Need to Try!


I recently learned a great secret about social media advertising from Gary V's head of marketing.

This strategy brought them a 160x return on investment, so it definitely works. Typically, we as business owners focus on creating the most creative and visually appealing ad, as well as targeting the right audience.

However, we often forget about engagement, which is the third important component...

The algorithm watches for engagement, and when it sees it, the algorithm promotes the post to more people. This is why some ads are successful and some aren't.

One way to "juice" engagement is to start with a core group of advocates and ask them to comment on the post. We can also ask our sphere of influence for help. We can say, "Hey guys, please comment on my ad if you like it. Let me know what you think."

Most people who are close to us are happy to help.

Engaging with comments is important. We should respond to...

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How This Agent Went from Zero to $10 Million in One Year Using a Brilliant Marketing Strategy


I recently heard a great story about a real estate agent who moved to a new market and didn't know many people. She knew it would be challenging to succeed without a sphere of influence, so she came up with a brilliant strategy:

She researched the top 10 things people want to do in the area and created a video about each of them. She then posted the videos on YouTube and TikTok, and connected them to her website and blog.

By doing this, she was able to reach a wider audience and get her name out there.

She also used Facebook and Google pixels to remarket to people who visited her website, and started putting ads in front of them.

This strategy paid off, and it paid off big:

She went from zero to 10 million in business in just one year!

If you're interested in trying this strategy, don't worry - it's not technical or difficult. Everything you need to know can be found on YouTube, and most of it is free. The only cost is for ads, but...

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How to Create 'WOW' Moments in Real Estate | The Secret to Building Referrals and Growing Your Business


Do you have a hospitality mindset?

I heard two stories that really brought this home.

The first story is about a restaurateur in New York City who overheard a group of four customers talking about how they had never had a hotdog in New York City, despite just having a $500 lunch at his high-end restaurant. The owner of the restaurant went to a hotdog vendor across the street, bought four hotdogs, had the chef cut them up and arrange them elegantly on a plate with all the condiments the customers wanted, and had the maitre d' bring it out to the customers. They were amazed, even though they had just eaten a five-star meal.

The second story is about Steve Wynn, who owns the Wynn Casinos in Las Vegas and all over the world. He implemented a process where all managers have a daily brainstorming session before every shift, and one of the things they discuss is positive experiences they've had with guests.

One of the stories that...

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