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Avoiding Bad Answer Syndrome In Real Estate

It’s 9:00 in the morning, bright and early for a hardworking real estate agent like you. You’re sipping your morning coffee reviewing the latest hot sheet, when the phone rings. Slightly irritated you set down your cup of sludge and pick the phone. “ABC Real Estate this is Tami how may I help you?”

There is a slight pause and then the bombshell question: “How much do you charge for your commission?”

Hey, you have a live one here! This is someone who obviously has some interest in listing their property for sale and who knows maybe today is your lucky day! Your heart skips a beat, your hand trembles slightly, and suddenly your at least four cups of coffee perkier! “We charge (X) ……”

Slum dunk, that was easy, next question please!

“Yeah, discount realty said they would do it for less!” and pause wait for it, wait for it, bingo there it is …. dial tone! Game over! You lose. What just happened? This is a...

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First Impression VS Last Impression - Which one is more important?


Which is more important for your real estate business - the first impression or the last impression? It's an important question and one that can have a massive impact on your ability to build a referral based real estate business! 

Watch and learn how to beat the Million Dollar Challenge, five ways to work on your business and not just in your business, and six ways to create raving fans at the end of every transaction. 

About the Author

Jim Remley is a nationally recognized expert in the field of residential real estate. Today Jim leads one of the largest real estate firms in the state of Oregon with over $766 million dollars in sales volume a year with just over 150 active Brokers. As a consultant, author, speaker, and trainer Jim has one mission – to create abundance through simplicity of action.

In 2018 Jim launched an On-Demand Video Coaching platform designed for REALTORS to tap into highly focused information and actionable ideas based on thousands...

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What is Your Four Minute Mile In Real Estate?

Have you ever thought to yourself – I just can’t do anymore! I’m at my limit!

But is that really true or have you instead placed a self imposed ceiling on your success? At times, in our changing market, it can certainly seem like we could not possible do any more. But this is a dangerous line of thinking. What you are really saying to yourself is that it is OK to push back from success. This psychological line in the sand can become a mental barrier that prevents you from reaching your true sales potential.

Consider the true story of a Roger Bannister. In 1952 while studying at Oxford University, Bannister had become the favorite to win the gold medal in Helsinki. He was such a favorite even the famous Duke of Edinburgh had arranged to watch the event. But during the first few minutes of the race Bannister was jostled, lost his footing, and was barely able to salvage a fourth place finish.

Roger returned to Oxford with a new goal, and a new passion, to break the...

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Three Keys to Building a Real Estate Brand

Congratulations you have just been nominated for your first Oscar! I guess all those acting classes in college finally paid off.  Unfortunately the ceremony is tonight and you can’t make it because you’re on location with Vin Diesel in Bangladesh. (Blast!) On such short notice your agent has informed you that you only have six choices to act as your stand in to accept the award on your behalf. Your choices are: Johnny Depp, Jennifer Lawrence, Tom Cruise, Melissa McCarthy , Tom Hanks, or Susan Sarandon.

So who would you choose to represent you on Oscar night?

In a classroom setting the overwhelming majority of my students choose either Tom Hanks or Jennifer Lawrence. Why? They are well respected, like-able, and credible actors. They won’t embarrass you, make a fool of themselves, or run off with your statue.  In other words they represent you well. Our clients go through a similar process. This is sometimes known as the ego driven decision.

This ego...

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How to Use Anchor Price Point Scripts, Get More Feedback, and Normalize Price Reductions


To help sellers position their listing to receive more showings and more offers we need to provide our clients with the consultation they need to make good decisions. Often this comes down to learning how to explain concepts that can helps sellers help themselves. Watch this quick video to learn how to use Anchor Price Point Scripts, how to get more feedback from showing agents and open house attendees, and how to normalize price reductions.

About the Author

Jim Remley is a nationally recognized expert in the field of residential real estate. Entering the real estate industry at the age of 19 he began an unlikely rise from college drop out to real estate Rock Star by becoming ranked in the top 1% of REALTORS® nationwide. Implementing game-changing strategies and deploying the latest technology advances Jim shattered sales records by listing over 150 properties in one twelve month period. At 24 he opened his first Real Estate Company and grew the company to 17 offices...

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Upgrade Your Listing Presentation with a Success Portfolio

Once you have mastered your core real estate presentation, many agents find it helpful to create a success portfolio. A success portfolio is a pictorial journal of your past success stories. One of the best ways to envision a success portfolio is to imagine yourself interviewing a photographer or an architect. Both of these professionals almost always have a success journal that shows off their talents, for instance a photographer may include photos of different scenes, lighting, models, and backgrounds, while an architect may include elevations, interior and exterior drawings, and most importantly completed projects.

Likewise many top real estate agents carry with them a success portfolio which may include photos of homes sold, past flyers and marketing campaigns, pictures of clients in front of homes purchased, brochures, website samples, advertising slicks, open house invitations, and most importantly quotes and pictures of satisfied clients. Some progressive agents are now even...

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Re-Pricing Your Listing Inventory


Have a listing that hasn't sold?

As we come to the end of summer it's a great time to talk to your seller client's about re-positioning their home in the market. During this five minute video we cover - The end of summer Price Conversation, Peer Group Pricing, Positional Pricing, and Incentives.


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Convert Every Real Estate Buyer Call: How to Use the Commodity Exchange

How many real estate calls have you blown?

A few years ago I conducted a seminar for a large real estate company that wanted desperately to improve its call conversion ratio. In a large conference room at a local hotel we rigged a cellphone to two large speakers and I called ten real estate companies randomly selected from a real estate portal.

Of the ten companies we called, two did not answer their phone instead voice mail eventually picked up the call. Of the remaining eight when we were finally connected to an agent I simply asked for the address of one of their listings.

Now here are a few questions for you: How many of those companies do you think asked for my name? How about for my phone number? How about for my email address? How about a simple appointment to show the home?

ZERO! None of the agents from eight different real estate companies asked for a single shred of information from me, and amazingly what do you think everyone of them without hesitation handed to me?...

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Fresh ideas, new scripts, cool tools, and the hottest trends in the real estate industry are coming your way. Have an amazing day!